Thursday, 13 November 2008

Inaugural Meeting

Thursday, 2nd October

Over 20 members met this evening for RA111's inaugural meeting, it turned into an eventful evening which started off with a contructive presentation from the new R.O. Robbie Marsh. Gerry Linden then took the reigns by taking us through an impressive events calendar, followed by Neil Todd's review of the Region's Constitution.

Several items of interest were discussed including the interaction of members during regional meetings, where as Matt Dean managed to walk himself into presenting a small talk for the next

We finished up the with the draw for the winter league which turned a few tears of laughter, for anyone wishing to join in the fun please contact Gerry Linden.

The committee would like to thank all of the members that made the effort and to those that tried their upmost but couldn't make it due to other engagements.

I believe it's safe to say that if your into Piking in any way or form then this is the Region for you.