Saturday, 30th August
What a rip roaring success, RA93 & RA111 met up in Derravargh today for the first inter regional fish in. Two doubles showed with the best being a slim 18lber for Neil Todd and an 11lber for Piking Guru George Higgins, and although the water levels were high the weather conditions couldn't have been better.There were plenty of jacks caught with all boats seeing some sort of action but to be honest the fish came second place today as the banter and cohesiveness shown between the two Regions was to be applauded.Both Regions would like to thank all 26 members that turned out with a special thanks to Gerry Linden (RA111 Events Organiser) for cooking everyone sausages, burgers and steaks and to Sandy Mackie and the lads for keeping to their word and supplying the cheeky refreshments.
What a rip roaring success, RA93 & RA111 met up in Derravargh today for the first inter regional fish in. Two doubles showed with the best being a slim 18lber for Neil Todd and an 11lber for Piking Guru George Higgins, and although the water levels were high the weather conditions couldn't have been better.There were plenty of jacks caught with all boats seeing some sort of action but to be honest the fish came second place today as the banter and cohesiveness shown between the two Regions was to be applauded.Both Regions would like to thank all 26 members that turned out with a special thanks to Gerry Linden (RA111 Events Organiser) for cooking everyone sausages, burgers and steaks and to Sandy Mackie and the lads for keeping to their word and supplying the cheeky refreshments.