Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Lure Caught Twenty for Newest Regional Member

Saturday, 22nd Nov

Newest member Dermot Ogle from Ennis Co.Clare nets a fine lure caught twenty, Dermot has a string of good fish to his name and although he is known locally as a top class chef he runs a Pike guiding business in Co Clare & the Shannon region.

"Then just as the last light of the day was leaving the lake I had a strong fish grab my motoroil and orange tail, Bull Dawg. The fish went 23lbs and measured 115cm and really was the icing on the cake on an already very enjoyable session.:

Thursday, 13 November 2008

George Higgins Talk Confirmed

Thursday, 4th December

We have several talks aligned for the up and coming season starting with our very own George Higgins. George has been an honerable member of the PAC for over 30 years and has been instrumental in his role as L.O. for N.Ireland. In 1974 George and a few fellow anglers founded the legendary Pikers who have enjoyed over 400 twenties and 13 thirty pound pike between them from the great loughs of Ireland.

RA111 invite you to come along to Portadown town hall on the 4th of December at 19.30 to enjoy George's journey over the last 30 years, this is a truley inspirational experience not to be missed.

Muckno Fish-in

Saturday, 8th November

20 anglers met this morning for the Region's 2nd Pike fish-in of the season, with 20 commited PAC members taking to the water it was inevitable that a few good fish were going to be caught. Tom Hill was to be appluaded for landing the biggest fish of the day, followed closely by Donny Uprichard for catching the most weight. For a detailed report please click on following PAC link :http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/pacgb/vpost?id=3094254&pid=29835714#post29835714 Once again the members of the RA111 would like to thank Gerry Linden for organising the fish in, as well as supplying a banquet fit for a king. The next fishin will be on lough Erne, on the 29th Dec meeting at the 'Round O' slipway, please contact Gerry for details.

Inaugural Meeting

Thursday, 2nd October

Over 20 members met this evening for RA111's inaugural meeting, it turned into an eventful evening which started off with a contructive presentation from the new R.O. Robbie Marsh. Gerry Linden then took the reigns by taking us through an impressive events calendar, followed by Neil Todd's review of the Region's Constitution.

Several items of interest were discussed including the interaction of members during regional meetings, where as Matt Dean managed to walk himself into presenting a small talk for the next

We finished up the with the draw for the winter league which turned a few tears of laughter, for anyone wishing to join in the fun please contact Gerry Linden.

The committee would like to thank all of the members that made the effort and to those that tried their upmost but couldn't make it due to other engagements.

I believe it's safe to say that if your into Piking in any way or form then this is the Region for you.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Member bags a fish of a life time

Saturday, 25th October

Donny Uprichard, RA111 Treasurer smashes P.B.

In his own words...

"I was really giving it some, but I couldn't budge the fish. I thought it had snagged the anchor rope. But it then tore off in the opposite direction. I was then screaming at Jnr to get the net sorted & ready. Eventually I managed to get it to the surface, and straight into the net. I knew it was a definate twenty. It was unhooked in the net - 1 treble in the outside of the scissors (very lucky!). It was only when I lifted it out of the water, and onto the unhooking mat, that I knew that it was a special fish. The scales swung round to 28-8, and I just stood there in a stunned silence. I couldn't believe it. I had just shattered my P.B. The Girth of the fish was incredible. A few shots and she was returned - A slow wag of her tail, and she was gone. I just sat in the boat for the next hour, without fishing - taking it all in"

RA111 Members Save The Day.

Sunday, 5th October

Two of our region members found a gill net and a fyke net on the bann system today, the gill net had been there for a while but the fyke net was is use. The fyke net was pegged down with breeze blocks and lead and was about 4 feet below the water surface, there was a very slim chance of this net been found.

It was reported to the FCB and the two members worked with them to remove the net and release the eels.

Tope Trip - The Return

Saturday, 20th September

13 Members met to day for the second Tope of the season and once again Skipper Payton Cunningham came up trumps. There were 4 fish landed in all which included 3 p.b's, 55lb Matt Dean, 54lb Ian Coulter and 29lb for Gerry Linden, Matt also landed a fine 42lb fish. Donny Uprichard was taking advantage of the rubby and missed and lost three fish at the back of the boat, one of which hung on for what seemed to be an age only for the rig to give way. Already we have two trips booked for next year with a possible third due to the interest.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

RA93 & RA111 Regional Fish-in

Saturday, 30th August

What a rip roaring success, RA93 & RA111 met up in Derravargh today for the first inter regional fish in. Two doubles showed with the best being a slim 18lber for Neil Todd and an 11lber for Piking Guru George Higgins, and although the water levels were high the weather conditions couldn't have been better.There were plenty of jacks caught with all boats seeing some sort of action but to be honest the fish came second place today as the banter and cohesiveness shown between the two Regions was to be applauded.Both Regions would like to thank all 26 members that turned out with a special thanks to Gerry Linden (RA111 Events Organiser) for cooking everyone sausages, burgers and steaks and to Sandy Mackie and the lads for keeping to their word and supplying the cheeky refreshments.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Tope Fish In - Part 1

Saturday, 17th August
After the worst summers day I can remember there was an uncertainty as to whether RA111's first outing was to go ahead or not, as there were good fish showing mid week we made the decision to meet at Greencastle at 7am and take the risk. We steamed out by 8am in search of
Mackerel but the storm the previous day had pushed them out and we struggled to catch 10 fish which is all we could manage between 9 anglers, Hugh Rooney and Matt Dean done better on the Ollie Rose with 24 mackerel but it was dire.
We decided to give up on the Mackerel and go to the Tope mark with the expectation of picking up a few more mackerel.

We all set up and it wasn’t long until Melvin Percy’s reel screamed into action and he found himself attached to his first Tope, after a lengthy battle he boated his Tope and P.B fish of 41lb.

Unfortunately Melvin had to take off the Tope rig and join in the desperate such for more mackerel.
It wasn't long though until Mark Mclaughlin's reel started to sing
and a fine fish of 35lb was boated, another first and another P.B. fish, the fish were well on the feed and reports were coming in that Matt Dean had a fish of 30lb on the Ollie Rose.

The next rod to go was Stevie Cromie's and to his horror (bad hangover) he found himself attached to a fish of a life time, after a fiesty battle a fine specimen of 60lb came on board and I couldn't help feeling that this was a battle won by our pectral friend, a great fish for his first Tope and another P.B.

Further reports were coming in and Matt was enjoying one of his best days fishing with a 2, 5, and a 40lb to the boat, it was long until one of the ballons slipped under and it Gerry Linden sprung into action but atlas as he struck into the fish the line gave way.

At this stage we were just running out of bait and as we had only
had 10 Mackerel to stretch between 9 of us we were happy with the result,then as the tide started to turn Colin Hayes rod lept into action but his shakespear rig gave way and it was another missed opportunity but luckily the Gods were looking down on him and he hooked into a fine 42lb fish on his next cast, another first and another P.B.

Further reports came into to say that Hugh Rooney had boated a 41lber but they too had run out of bait, just our luck to have the fish feeding so well and no Mackerel to be found but who's complaining, 11 guys, 34mackerel and 12 Tope with about 5 missed runs, a great start to the new region and we look forward to the next trip on the September the 20th (see Gerry Linden for details).